DaVinci Resolve Studio version 15 béta 4 publique (Mac/PC)
DaVinci Resolve Studio Mac v15 béta 4
- 800,8 Mo
DaVinci Resolve Studio Win v15 béta 4
- 841,3 Mo
Guide Nouvelles fonctionnalités de DaVinci Resolve 15 du 9 avril 2018
- 20,2 Mo
Liste des codecs pris en charge par DaVinci Resolve 15
- 242 Ko
Guide de configuration DaVinci Resolve 15 Mac/PC/Linux
- 3,2 Mo
Grâce à cette mise à jour, la barre d’outils de la page Edit comprend des nouveaux indicateurs pour les raccords par coulissement et par glissement et un bouton pour les raccords dynamiques.
De plus, les noms des fichiers audio synchronisés peuvent désormais être visualisés dans la timeline et il est possible d’appliquer des bandes noires au niveau des clips.
Une nouvelle option plus rapide pour le flou gaussien a été ajoutée à l’outil de flou de Fusion, ainsi que des couleurs de nœuds personnalisées à la page Color.
Enfin, une prise en charge des séquences d’images DPX RVBA 10 bits a été ajoutée, ainsi que des options supplémentaires dans ResolveFX et bien plus.
La version bêta publique 4 de DaVinci Resolve 15 Studio comprend également des dizaines d’améliorations liées à la stabilité et à la performance générales.
Faites-nous part de votre feedback sur les forums du site internet de Blackmagic Design ! Cette version de DaVinci Resolve 15 Studio nécessite un code d’activation ou un dongle DaVinci Resolve.
Informations sur la version bêta publique
Certaines fonctionnalités mentionnées dans la rubrique « Quoi de neuf » possèdent un astérisque. Cela signifie que la fonction est encore en cours de développement et sera disponible au fur et à mesure des prochaines versions béta.
DaVinci Resolve 15 requiert une mise à jour de la base de données DaVinci Resolve 14.3 mais aussi des versions précédentes. Il est vivement recommandé de procéder à une sauvegarde de la base de données actuelle avant de faire la mise à jour (à la fois DiskDB et PostgreSQL).
Quoi de neuf dans DaVinci Resolve 15 béta publique
Corrections, ajouts et amélioration de la version béta 4
- Added support for a dynamic trim mode icon in the Edit page toolbar with a slip and slider indicator
- Added ability to read orientation from JPEG and QuickTime files
- Added ability to optionally show the synced audio file names in the timeline
- Added support for decoding 10bit RGBA DPX image sequences
- Added ability to split clips with speed changes applied by a single frame
- Added support for a fast gaussian filter in the Fusion Blur tool
- Added support for additional scratches in ResolveFX Film Damage
- Added support for assigning colors to nodes in the Color page
- Added support for clip level output blanking overrides
- Added support for synced audio file name and sync offset in ALE exports
- Added ability to drag a timeline from the Media Pool into a new tab when using the stacked view
- Added support for enabling or disabling tone mapping for Dolby Vision and HDR10+ projects
- Improved performance when using the Advanced Stabilizer
- Improved JPEG decoding performance
- Improved Sound Library search behavior
- Improved results when using ResolveFX Dust Buster
- Improved support for scripting with new APIs and additional Lua and Python examples
- Addressed an issue where the position of the buses in the Mixer would be incorrectly persisted in a dual screen layout
- Addressed an issue where there would be a delay in audio playback when switching multicam angles
- Addressed an issue where duplicating a clip with pitch correction turned off would not retain the settings
- Addressed an issue where new lines in an imported SRT file would get ignored
- Addressed an issue where moving a subtitle clip to adjacent track would behave incorrectly
- Addressed an issue where subtitle text would sometimes not wrap correctly
- Addressed an issue where changing the clip duration of a subtitle would cause a crash
- Addressed an issue with alpha handling for compound clips and Fusion clips
- Addressed an issue where the subclip creation option was missing from the viewer context menu
- Addressed an issue where some overlapping clips would not be rippled in ripple cut and ripple delete operations
- Addressed an issue where the Timeline Compare tool would not show all the audio tracks
- Addressed an issue with using JKL keys for playback on the Fairlight page when Decklink audio output was enabled
- Addressed an issue where the user would be able to modify a timeline in the Fairlight page without write access in Collaboration
- Addressed an issue where switching nodes with highlight mode enabled would not update the viewer on the Color page
- Addressed an issue where the swap node operation would not work correctly on a node with OpenFX applied
- Addressed an issue where OpenFX and ResolveFX states would sometimes not be persisted when switching between clips or versions
- Addressed an issue where ResolveFX Color Palette would show different colors in RCM and ACES
- Addressed an issue where gallery stills would sometimes show as blank during collaboration sessions
- Addressed an issue where the target display color space and gamma would not be handled correctly for Dolby Vision projects
- Addressed an issue where the Fusion page Matte Control tool’s contract/expand would cause flickering
- Addressed an issue where copy, paste and selection shortcuts would sometimes not work in the Fusion page
- Addressed an issue where certain edit operations would not refresh the in and out extents of the clip in the Fusion page
- Addressed an issue where applying Fusion effects on clips with different resolutions would result in artefacts
- Addressed an issue where turning on loop for MediaIn would not reflect in the duration of the clip
- Addressed an issue where EXR files would be rendered with the incorrect timecode
- Addressed an issue where clips imported to the Media Pool would sometimes have an incorrect gamma when using separate color space and gamma settings
- Addressed an issue where dragging a still image from the timeline to the Media Pool would cause a crash
- Addressed an issue where deleting a clip in the Media Pool would sometimes cause a crash
- Addressed an issue where Canon RMF files would not have an IDT applied by default in ACES projects
- Addressed an issue where decoding using easyDCP would result in low quality output
- General performance and stability improvements
Nouvelles fonctions clé
- Intégration complète dans la timeline DaVinci Resolve
- Amélioration des workflows rendant inutiles les allers/retours de rendus avec Fusion
- Support initial pour les moteurs de traitement GPU Metal, CUDA ou OpenCL
- Amélioration de l’interface utilisateur pour un workflow plus fluide et rapide
- Nouveau graphe de nodes (Flow)
- Nouveaux visualiseurs
- Nouvelle barre d’outils
- Nouvel inspecteur
- La page Fusion inclut désormais: Media Pool, Tools library with Templates, Timeline with Thumbnails, Spline Editor, Keyframe Timeline et Metadata
- Nouvelles configurations double écran pour la page Fusion
- Prise en charge de Fusion pour les projets collaboratifs
- Prise en charge de différents fichiers de géométrie pour Fusion dans Media Storage et Media Pool
- Prise en charge de l’import/export des fichiers de composition Fusion
- Support de la mise en cache de la page de sortie Fusion pour les clips sur lesquels des effets ont été appliqués
- Prise en charge de Fusion planar tracker maintenant disponible sur la version gratuite de DaVinci Resolve
- Prise en charge de Fusion planar stabilization maintenant disponible sur la version gratuite de DaVinci Resolve
- Prise en charge de Fusion planar transforms of roto maintenant disponible sur la version gratuite de DaVinci Resolve
- Prise en charge de Fusion planar tracked roto maintenant disponible sur la version gratuite de DaVinci Resolve
- Prise en charge de Fusion optical flow retiming maintenant disponible sur la version gratuite de DaVinci Resolve
Fonctions d’effets visuels
- Vector Paint
- 2D and 3D Compositing
- 3D Camera Tracking in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Planar Tracking and Rotoscoping
- Node Based Workflow
- 3D Workspace
- Keying and Mattes
- Rotoscoping
- Tracking and Stabilization
- 3D Particles
- Scripting
- Shot Cleanup
- Open Color I/O
- Virtual Set Extensions
Fonctions de diffusion et de graphiques animés
- 2D and 3D Titles
- 3D Logos
- Animated Text
- Spline Based Animation
- Replicate Objects
- Expressions and Macros
- VR tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Import 3D Models and Scenes
- Built-in 3D Objects
- Realistic Lighting and Shading
- Comprehensive Stereoscopic 3D Tools in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Deep Pixel Compositing
- Volumetric Effects
Nouvelles fonctions clé
- ADR (Automatic Dialog Replacement)
- Audio Bounce of a range in selected tracks to layers
- Audio Bounce of one or multiple buses to tracks
- Fixed playhead timeline
- Audio scrollers
- Video scroller
- 3D audio pan
- Sound Library *
- Support for native FairlightFX (Chorus, De-Esser, De-Hummer, Delay, Distortion, Echo, Flanger, Modulation, Noise Reduction, Pitch, Reverb, Stereo Width, Vocal Channel)
Améliorations générales
- Support for audio normalization in the Edit page and Fairlight page
- Support for clip pitch control for clips
- Support for Media Pool preview of audio
- Support for audio fade in and out to playhead in the Fairlight timeline
- Support for mixed audio track formats from source clips
- Support for trim to playhead operations in the Fairlight timeline
- Support for Preset Library for Audio Effects *
- Support for legacy Fairlight projects on Windows *
- Support for inbuilt tone generator
- Support for Compound clips path bar below Fairlight page timeline
- Support for native audio on Linux
- Support to show audio waveforms while recording
- Support for input monitoring to the native audio engine
- Support for reordering audio plugins in the inspector for audio clips
- Support for audio retiming for clips with variable speed changes
- Support for Paste and Remove Attributes for audio clips in Fairlight page
- Support for pre-roll and post-roll time in Fairlight timeline
- Support for Loop Jog controls in user interface
- Support for an indicator on the Fairlight timeline when there is an offset between audio and video
- Support for the Fairlight Audio Interface installer on Windows
- Support for a mode to stop and jump to the last position
- Support for track selection and deselection using the track destination selection commands
- Support for selecting buses in the mixer to view and modify their properties in the inspector
- Support for viewing video tracks on the Fairlight timeline
- Support for transport controls from the DaVinci Resolve grading panels on the Fairlight page
- Support for improved timeline view options in the Fairlight timeline
- Improved speaker selection with support for device selections in monitor sets
- Improved consistency of navigation and selection hotkeys between the Edit and Fairlight pages
- Support for project versioning snapshots to store project backups at set intervals
- Support for only loading the last used timeline when opening a project
- Support for an option to load all the timelines when opening a project
- Support for bypassing color processing on all pages for improved performance on low power systems
- Support for trimming H.264 and other temporal codec formats in Media Management
- Support for GPU acceleration for the ResolveFX Match Move plugin
- Support for GPU acceleration for the stabilizer with a speed up of more than 5x
- Support for new system preference to use optimized image transfers for viewers on supported systems
- Improved save and load performance with database optimizations for large projects
- Improved CUDA performance for high resolution clips and timelines
- Improved playback performance when monitoring on a single GPU system with scopes enabled
- Improved playback performance with mismatched output and monitoring resolutions with Blackmagic Design capture and playback devices
- Improved decode and encode speeds for JPEG2000 clips
- Improved performance when encoding to the GoPro Cineform codec
- Support for adding, managing and delivering Subtitles and Closed Captions
- Support for embedding a subtitle track when encoding QuickTime files
- Support for embedding closed captions when encoding MXF OP1A files
- Support for embedding closed captions when encoding QuickTime files
- Support for 2D and 3D Title templates
- Support to load multiple clips into the source viewer and access the 10 most recent clips
- Support for stacked and tabbed timelines
- Support for position curves in curve editor
- Support for menu actions to create Flags and Markers with a specific color
- Support for timecode entry in the Marker dialog
- Support for markers annotations on the viewer
- Support for new Change Clip Duration to modify the duration of one or multiple clips
- Support for finding the source viewer clip in the Media Pool
- Support for caching of titles and generator
- Support for keyframing of OpenFX and ResolveFX plugins
- Support for alpha channel in compound clips
- Support for copying and pasting timecode in the viewer timecode displays
- Support for multiple timeline gap deletion
- Support for single viewer mode for the dual screen layout
- Support for marking in and out points in Cinema Mode in the Edit page
- Support for showing the iXML channel names for audio files in the timeline
- Support for replacing multiple shots across tracks while retaining grades and effects by Ctrl/Command dragging clips
- Support for categories of video transitions in the Effects Library
- Support for a new Play Again command on Media, Edit and Fairlight players
- Support for disabling ganged moving of audio and video clips across tracks
- Support for rippling clips on the timeline when pasting retime attributes to other clips
- Support for actions to convert between Duration markers and In/Out marks with ability to set shortcuts
- Support for viewing clip marker overlays on the timeline viewer
- Support for an Edit and Color page indicator for clips with Fusion effects
- Support for toggling the track-destination state
- Support for improved timeline view options in the Edit timeline
- Improved separation and handles between video and audio tracks on the timeline
- Improved timecode entry and playhead navigation
- Improved optical flow for speed changes
- Improved Smooth Cut
- Improved keyboard shortcut mapping *
- Improved previews when performing blades on a multi track edit
- Improved ripple cut and ripple delete behavior
- Improved automatic track creation when dragging clips to new tracks
- Support for Cintel HDR capture
- Support for importing clips to Media Pool with metadata via Final Cut Pro 7 XML
- Support clip type icon in list view for both Clip names and File Names
- Support for showing Clip names instead of File names as the default
- Support for replacing a media file and all its instances in the Media Pool
- Support to navigate to synced audio files from a video clip in the Media Pool
- Support for automatically creating subclips by dragging a clip from the viewer to the Media Pool
- Support for source clips with high speed capture frame rates in the Media Pool
- Support for retaining empty folders when importing folders to the Media Pool
- Support for improved LTC detection from clips with multiple audio tracks
- Support for larger clip thumbnails in the Media Pool
- Support for improved Media Pool column listing
- Support for modifying the extents of subclips
- Support for viewing waveforms for audio clips in thumbnail mode in the Media Pool and Media Storage
- Support for live preview of audio clips in the Media Pool and Media Storage
- Support for multiple bin views in collaborative projects
- Support for smaller Media Pool floating windows
- Support for native IMF decoding and encoding in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for native Kakadu based JPEG2000 decoding and encoding
- Support for encoding unencrypted DCP packages using the Kakadu codec
- Support for ARRI LF camera files
- Support for decoding H.264 clips in the MXF or MTS format
- Support for Canon Log3 in Resolve Color Management
- Support for alpha channel with DNxHR 422 codecs
- Support for decoding 8-bit Phantom Cine clips
- Support for reading color space and gamma information from QuickTime and MXF clips
- Support for alpha channel when decoding from and encoding to Cineform RGB
- Support for writing color range, color space and other image metadata when encoding to Quicktime DNxHR
- Support for decoding FLAC audio files
- Support for HEIF decode on Mac and DaVinci Resolve Studio on Windows and Linux
- Support for decoding TGA images
- Support for Canon C200 IDTs in ACES
- Support for displaying REDCODE metadata for R3D clips
- Support for XAVC-Intra OP1A HDR metadata
- Improved Resolve Color Management support for Sony clips where input color space and gamma are set automatically using metadata
- Improved support for encoding HDR and mastering metadata for MXF and IMF formats in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Improved support for audio waveform sync in multicam clips
- Improved support for decoding MXF XDCAM clips
- Support for new SuperScale option for high quality resolution upscaling
- Support for multiple timeline playheads with DaVinci Resolve Advanced panel control
- Support for a new LUT browser in the Color page
- Support for live preview of LUTs and gallery stills
- Support for browsing grades from other timelines in the gallery
- Support for browsing grades from other projects in the expanded gallery view
- Support for batch color version management
- Support for switching between previous and next version for multiple clips
- Support for modifying the qualifier by dragging the controls in the user interface
- Support for denoise in the qualifiers matte finesse controls
- Support for alpha matte shrink and grow in the qualifiers matte finesse controls
- Support for ganging the timeline wipe with the current clip
- Support for option to disable thumbnails in the node graph
- Support for improved Color page node graph user interface
- Support for improved user interactions for selecting nodes and modifying node connections
- Support for enabling and disabling multiple selected nodes in the Color page
- Support for a node context menu option to lock the node
- Support for shared nodes for powerful group management
- Support for Camera RAW controls for Canon RAW clips
- Support for Camera RAW controls for Panasonic RAW clips
- Support for the Media Pool in Color page
- Support for GPU accelerated Dolby VisionTM HDR to SDR metadata generation in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for license activated GPU accelerated Dolby VisionTM internal CMU in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for native HDR10+TM controls in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- New ResolveFX Plugins: ResolveFX Aperture Diffraction in DaVinci Resolve Studio, ResolveFX Automatic Dirt Removal in DaVinci Resolve Studio, ResolveFX Deflicker in DaVinci Resolve Studio, ResolveFX Dust Buster in DaVinci Resolve Studio, ResolveFX Film Damage, ResolveFX Flicker Addition, ResolveFX Lens Reflections in DaVinci Resolve Studio, ResolveFX Patch Replacer in DaVinci Resolve Studio
- Support for ResolveFX Match Move is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for random frame access when using temporal OpenFX plugins is now available on the non Studio version of DaVinci Resolve
- Support for stereoscopic convergence on Power Windows
- Support for showing marker overlays in the Color page viewer
- Support for a dynamic keyframe indicator for nodes in the node graph
- Support for tooltip for Edit page FX icons to display the list of plugins applied
- Support for compound node path bar in the display node graph window
- Support for copying nodes and pasting specific values by selecting parameters and using Paste Value
- Support for previewing LUTs by holding Alt/Option pressed while mousing over the LUT context menu
- Support for previewing composite modes in the layer mixer context menu
- Support for listing and navigating to timeline markers from the Color page viewer option menu
- Support for processing a node in a different Resolve Color Managed colorspace or gamma
- Support for selected LUTs in split-screen mode
- Support for previewing the selected album in split-screen mode
- Support for drawing a selection box to select multiple points in ResolveFX Warper
- Support for improved and smoother masks in ResolveFX Face Refinement
- Support for a new enhanced mode for improved noise reduction
- Support for changing the sensitivity of the jog wheel and shuttle control in the DaVinci Resolve Advanced panel
- Support for smart filter options for shared nodes
- Support for smart filter options for clips with Fusion effects
- Support for RED SDK based Gamut Mapping for Red IPP2 based workflows
- Support for option to process node LUTs in ACEScc AP1 timeline color space or ACES AP0 color space
- Improved cropping quality and behavior when using the advanced video stabilization
- Improved ResolveFX Lens Blur with support for custom aperture shapes
- Improved onscreen controls for ResolveFX Match Move and ResolveFX Dead Pixel Fixer
- Improved viewer mouse interaction and behavior when working on a node with multiple power windows
- Improved DCTLs with ability to include code from headers and use LUTs in DaVinci Resolve Studio (Check Developer Documentation in the Help menu for more details)
- Improved generators, transitions and titles with support for Resolve Color Management and ACES
- Support for single seat Fusion Studio dongles
- Support for external scripting of DaVinci Resolve Studio from local and network locations (Check Developer Documentation in the Help menu for more details)
- Support for Fairlight Audio Accelerator drivers in the DaVinci Resolve installer on Windows
- Support for a new system preference to control Audio I/O Processing block size
- Support for launching DaVinci Resolve and loading the project when opening a DRP file in the file browser
- Support for a new application level system memory limit in Preferences
- Support for a system preference to enable or disable hardware acceleration of H.264/HEVC and other supported codecs
- Support for system preference to enable or disable Direct IO for media storage locations on Windows
- Support for Metal when using RED GPU debayer on Mac
- Support for system preference to enable or disable RED GPU Debayer
- Support for a floating timecode window
- Support for listing backups for a specific project from the project manager context menu
- Support for backing up and versioning projects when using Live Save
- Support for switching the top bar and page switcher bar to an icons only mode
- Improved application menu layouts
- Improved and clearer contextual menu layouts
Informations de pré-installation
- DaVinci Resolve 15.0 requiert une mise à jour de la base de données des versions précédentes
- La prise en charge du décodage et encodage des formats easyDCP n’est actuellement pas disponible
- La Collaboration n’est actuellement pas supportée avec l’utilisation de nodes partagés
Configuration minimale requise pour Mac
- macOS 10.12.6 Sierra
- 16 Go de mémoire vive recommandée ou 32 Go minium si Fusion est utilisé
- Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 ou supérieur
- CUDA Driver version 8.0.63
- NVIDIA Driver en fonction des GPU utilisés
- RED ROCKET-X Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
- RED ROCKET Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
Configuration minimale requise pour Windows
- Windows 10 Pro Creator Update 64 bits
- 16 Go de mémoire vive recommandée ou 32 Go minium si Fusion est utilisé
- Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 ou supérieur
- Drivers NVIDIA/AMD – En fonction des GPU utilisés
- RED ROCKET-X Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
- RED ROCKET Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
Configuration minimale requise pour Linux
- CentOS 6.8
- 32 Go de mémoire vive recommandée minimum
- Blackmagic Design Desktop Video version 10.4.1 ou supérieur
- NVIDIA/AMD Drivers - En fonction des GPU utilisés
- RED ROCKET-X Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
- RED ROCKET Driver version et Firmware version ou supérieur
Mise à niveau du serveur de base de données PostgreSQL sur Mac
Jusqu'à DaVinci Resolve 12.5.2, le programme d'installation Mac comprenait PostgreSQL version 8.4.2. A partir de macOS Sierra 10.12, PostgreSQL version 8.4 n'est plus pris en charge. Si vous avez prévu d'installer cette dernière version de système, il sera nécessaire de mettre à jour le serveur PostgreSQL en version 9.5.4 avant de mettre à jour macOS. Une fois que votre installation PostgreSQL a été actualisée et vos données mises à jour, vous pouvez enchainer avec la mise à jour de macOS.
Afin de faciliter la mise à niveau de PostgreSQL sur votre Mac, Blackmagic fournit des applications qui peuvent être téléchargés ici:
/Library/Application Support/Blackmagic Design/DaVinci Resolve/Upgrade PostgreSQL folder
A partir de DaVinci Resolve 12.5.3, les nouvelles installations incluent PostgreSQL version 9.5.4.
Installation du logiciel DaVinci
Il suffit de double cliquer sur l'icône DaVinci Resolve Installer puis de suivre les instructions qui vous sont présentées à l'écran. Redémarrez l'ordinateur après installation.
Afin de supprimer DaVinci Resolve de votre configuration, double-clic sur l'icône "Uninstall Resolve" à partir du dossier DaVinci Resolve dans le dossier Applications.
Informations complémentaires
Consultez www.blackmagic-design.com pour obtenir des informations complémentaires sur les différentes configurations certifées.