Final Cut Pro 3: Indicateurs dans la barre de rendu
Fiches techniques
- Apple
- Final Cut Pro/Studio
- DVD Studio Pro
- Matrox
- Blackmagic Design
- Aurora Video
- Final Cut Express
- Cinema Tools
- LiveType
- Compressor
- Soundtrack/Soundtrack Pro
- AJA Vidéo
- Motion
- Xsan
- Logic Express/Pro/Studio
- Shake
- Color
- Episode Desktop/Engine
- Final Cut Server
- Sonnet Technology
- Demande de RMA
- GB Labs
The render bar, which is above the ruler in the Timeline, shows you the render status of regions of your sequence that contain elements that need to be rendered for playback, such as filters or motion settings. Depending on your hardware configuration, you might see different colored bars in this area that indicate whether clips in your sequence have been rendered, or if they even need to be.
Articles connexes
Final Cut Pro 3: Indicateurs audio et vidéo distincts
Final Cut Pro 3: Couleurs différentes pour indiquer des états différents