Final Cut Pro 5: Canceling render may take longer when rendering media with processor-intensive effects
Fiches techniques
- Apple
- Final Cut Pro/Studio
- DVD Studio Pro
- Matrox
- Blackmagic Design
- Aurora Video
- Final Cut Express
- Cinema Tools
- LiveType
- Compressor
- Soundtrack/Soundtrack Pro
- AJA Vidéo
- Motion
- Xsan
- Logic Express/Pro/Studio
- Shake
- Color
- Episode Desktop/Engine
- Final Cut Server
- Sonnet Technology
- Demande de RMA
- GB Labs
When Final Cut Pro is rendering media, you can cancel the render at any point in its progress by clicking the Cancel button. If the cancel button seems unresponsive for a moment after you click it, don't worry; the render operation will stop momentarily.
This can occur in some cases when Final Cut Pro is rendering media that requires a lot of processing power (i.e., clips that have a lot of effects or superimposed elements). In such a case, it's only necessary to click the Cancel button once, and Final Cut Pro will cease rendering.
This document will be updated as more information becomes available.