Xsan Help: Changing a Controller's IP Address
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Follow the instructions below instead of those on page 67 of the Xsan Administrator's Guide.
WARNING: You must have a standby controller available. Otherwise, volumes hosted by the controller whose address you change are lost.
To change a controller's IP address:
1. Make sure your standby controller is ready. (To check, open Xsan Admin, select the SAN, click Setup, and look in the Computers pane to make sure there is a green status indicator next to the standby controller.)
2. Change the controller's role to Client.
3. If the computer is running Mac OS X Server, use the changeip command-line tool to change its address. For help, see the changeip man page. If the computer is running Mac OS X, change the computer's IP address in the Network pane of System Preferences.
4. Restart the computer.
5. Open Xsan Admin and change the role of the computer back to Controller.
6. If you want to switch control of the volumes back to the controller with the new IP address (they are currently hosted by a standby controller), stop and restart them.